Thursday 29 May 2008

Sample book spreads

Apologies (again) for the huge gap in updating this blog! I've been busy with freelance work for the past few weeks! I'm in the middle of a few new pieces, so in the meantime I thought I'd post these:

I did these two sample spreads a few weeks back for a book company (unfortunately the project didn't go ahead) but it was nice to use a combination of traditional painting and digital!


Amy Short said...

Squeeee! I love it when you post new things! I love these they are fantastic! Sooooo adorable. I miss hearing from you...what's new?

Carmen said...

I love these!!!

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

i love the colors, and the girl...she's adorable.

July Macuada said...

wow, so delicate and very lovely colors, really beautiful.

Feltaholic said...

Naive and delicate, I love them.


welcome back...I've missed you...and so totally love these two spreads and their have such a wonderful style.

froggie is... said...

ack ack ack ack !!!!! i lovvvvvvvvveeee these!!!!! (was that too many exclamation points?)

oh man, nina! i'm totally metling over that caterpillar and the pea pods. wonnnderful!

annas dreams blog said...

Wow, so Beautiful, I love the one with the pea pods. Your work is incredible. Have a great week Lillian

Laura said...

These are amazing spreads, I love the palete of colours you have used!

Sherry said...

These are wonderful. I'm sorry the project didn't go through -- but these are adorable all the same!

vintagepaletteart said...

Some people obviously don't have good could they turn these adorable paintings away?

WE, however, know beautiful artwork when we see it!

=D *Lori

steve said...

Love your work Leanne! So fun and innocent and adventurous!

Jo James said...

And so many yummy peas and strawberries. . . now I'm hungry.

You have a lovely, delicate touch.

Adriana Whitney said...

Hi Leanne,
Your work it's so good! are you going to make prints of these?


janie said...

beautiful work

Tif said...

Just found your stuff on ETSY. I LOVE your work. It's beautiful!!

Mock Pie Studio said...

Love the sweet strawberries and peas!

Anonymous said...

Great work.

Coralie colorie said...

Your work is so beautiful ! I'm going to follow your blog !